Warm Springs Tribal Employment Rights Office is located on the reservation at the Ventures/Construction Office.  TERO ordinances require that all construction employers, including ODOT contractors who are engaged in operating a construction business on or near reservations give preference to qualified Indians in aspects of employment, training, promotion, contracting, subcontracting and other business activities.  The TERO Office serves Warm Springs Tribal Members and other Native Americans With Enrollment in other Federally recognized Tribes.

The tribe’s authority to enact and enforce Indian/Native employment preference law is grounded in its inherent sovereign status.  

See the Council for Tribal Rights FAQs webpage for information about TERO.

Read the Code

See the complete document on Warm Springs TERO Code

Mary Sando-Emhoolah is employed with the Warm Springs TERO Office.  She is an enrolled Warm Springs Tribal member and a Shareholder of the Chugach Alaska Corporation.

Mary Emhoolah with Lee Adolf, national President, Council for Tribal Employment Rights